It’s (past) time for two-factor authentication

While 2FA is by no means foolproof, for most users adding some form of two-step verification in the authentication process makes their accounts much less susceptible to compromise by unauthorized users.

4th Circuit rules that obtaining cell site location data requires a warrant

The split among appellate courts on the privacy of cell site location data raises the likelihood that the issue will need to be addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Threat of phishing attacks shows no signs of diminishing


A small but troubling minority of users click on links embedded in phishing emails and an even smaller number recognize and report the suspicious emails to an IT group or incident response team.

WordPress security essentials

The good news for WordPress users is that there are multiple security plugins available that enhance site security, provide routine (even continuous) monitoring, and help administrators remove and repair whatever changes or damage an intrusion has caused.

No upside to OPM data breaches

Subsequent disclosures and updates about the OPM incident paint a troubling picture of the poor security practices that facilitated the attack and delayed its discovery.

Subpoena? Court order? Search warrant? How the government can get your data

After a full 11-judge en banc panel of the U.S Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit reversed a ruling made last June by a 3-judge panel of the same Court, deciding that government law enforcement…

11th Circuit court says no warrant needed for cell site location data

The decision cites multiple Supreme Court precedents holding that individuals cannot have a reasonable expectation of privacy for records (in this case, cell tower location data) owned and maintained by a third-party business.